Starter quiz

  • Substitute means to put in place of another. In algebra, substitution can be used to replace __________ with values.
    • constants
    • equations
    • solutions
    • variables  ✓
  • A={1\over2}(a+b)h is the formula for area of a trapezium. It can be rearranged to {2A\over{h}}-a=b in order to make b the ______ of the formula.
    • 'subject' ✓
  • The formula for area of a triangle is A={1\over2}bh. The area of a triangle with base 7.5 cm and height 6 cm is ______cm²
    • '22.5' ✓
  • The formula s={d\over{t}} can be rearranged to t={d\over{s}} or d=s\times {t}. If d=12 and s=3, find t.
    • 36
    • 4  ✓
    • {1\over{4}}
  • Find the area of a trapezium with <Math>h=7</Math>, <Math>a=3.2</Math>, <Math>b=4.8</Math>.
    Find the area of a trapezium with h=7, a=3.2, b=4.8.
    • A={1\over2}(3.2+4.8)+7=11 square units
    • A={1\over2}(3.2+4.8)\times7=28 square units  ✓
    • A=2(3.2+4.8)\times7=112 square units
    • A={1\over2}(3.2\times4.8)\times7=53.76 square units
  • A={1\over2}(a+b)h is the formula for area of a trapezium. Select all the correct rearrangements of this formula.
    • {2A\over{h}}-b=a  ✓
    • {Ah\over{2}}-a=b
    • {A\over{2h}}-a=b
    • {2h\over{A}}-a=b
    • {2A\over{a+b}}=h  ✓