Starter quiz

  • What does the symbol \equiv represent in the identity x + x + x \equiv 3x ?
    • There is a value for x which makes both sides equal.
    • Both sides are equivalent expressions.  ✓
    • The left hand side does not equal the right hand side.
    • The identity can be solved to find the value of x
  • Which of these examples show two like terms?
    • 2x and 0.4x  ✓
    • x^2 and x
    • 5xy and 5y
    • 3xy and 3yx  ✓
    • 8x and 4
  • Which of these bar models represents 3 lots of the expression 2x + 1 ?
  • Match the product of two terms with its simplified expression.
    • 3 \times 2x
      6x ✓
    • 3 \times -2x
      -6x ✓
    • -3 \times -x
      3x ✓
    • x \times 2x
      2x^2 ✓
    • -x \times 2x
      -2x^2 ✓
    • -3x \times -2x
      6x^2 ✓
  • Which of these is an equivalent calculation to 44\times 12 ?
    • (11\times 3) + (4\times 4)
    • (44\times 6) + (44\times 2)
    • (44\times 8) + (44\times 4)  ✓
    • (40\times 10) + (4\times 2)
    • (44\times 10) + (44\times 2)  ✓
  • Match each product of two terms with its simplified expression.
    • -x \times -x
      x^2 ✓
    • 2x \times x
      2x^2 ✓
    • 2x \times y
      2xy ✓
    • -2y \times x
      -2xy ✓
    • x \times -y
      -xy ✓