Starter quiz

  • Complete the statement. The additive inverse of a number is a number that, __________
    • when added to the original number, gives the sum of 0  ✓
    • when added to the original number, gives the sum of 1
    • when multiplied by the reciprocal the product is 1
    • when multiplied by the reciprocal the product is (-1)
  • Match each number with its additive inverse.
    • 4
      (-4) ✓
    • (-40)
      40 ✓
    • 0.4
      (-0.4) ✓
    • (-400)
      400 ✓
  • Select all the fractions that are equivalent to {2} \over {3}
    • {1} \over {3}
    • {1} \over {2}
    • {4} \over {6}  ✓
    • {20} \over {30}  ✓
    • {3} \over {2}
  • Match each calculation with an equivalent commutative calculation.
    • A + B
      B + A ✓
    • A\times B
      B\times A ✓
    • A + B + C
      B + C + A ✓
  • Work out the missing number: 9.8 × 0.5 + 9.8 × ______ = 9.8
    • '0.5' ✓
  • Work out the missing number: 34 × 0.8 + 34 × ______= 68
    • '1.2' ✓