Starter quiz

  • What is the name of a fraction where the numerator is greater than or equal to the denominator?
    • 'improper fraction' ✓
  • Which of the following is 2 {{3} \over {5}} as an improper fraction?
    • {{10} \over {5}}
    • {{13} \over {5}}  ✓
    • {{23} \over {5}}
    • {{30} \over {5}}
  • Which of the following shows a correct first step to calculate 3 {{2} \over {5}} - 1 {{5} \over {8}}?
    • {17}\over{5} - {13}\over{8}  ✓
    • {10}\over{5} - {11}\over{6}
    • (3 - 1) + \left(\frac25-\frac58\right)  ✓
    • (3 - 1) - \left(\frac25-\frac58\right)
  • Which of the following can be simplified before calculating?
    • {5}\over{8} - {6}\over{24}  ✓
    • {1}\over{7} + {3}\over{8}
    • {2}\over{5} - {5}\over{12}
    • {5}\over{10} + {7}\over{12}  ✓
  • What is the missing digit in this calculation 2 {{\square} \over {8}} - 1 {{3} \over {4}} = {{3} \over {8}}?
    • 1  ✓
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5
  • Calculate 3 {{2} \over {5}} - 1 {{2} \over {3}}, give your answer in its simplest form.
    • {12}\over{2}
    • {26}\over{15}
    • 1 {{11} \over {15}}  ✓
    • 2 {{11} \over {15}}