Starter quiz

  • Complete the stem sentence.
The spots are in groups of ___, so I can count them in fives.
    Complete the stem sentence. The spots are in groups of ___, so I can count them in fives.
    • '5' ✓
  • Which of the following would you skip count in tens?
  • Sam is counting in twos. Which of the following numbers will she say?
    • 15
    • 16  ✓
    • 17
  • Jacob is skip counting. He says the number 45 What number is he skip counting in?
    • Counting in twos
    • Counting in fives  ✓
    • Counting in tens
  •  Sam is counting the cakes in fives and Jacob is counting them in tens. Who will count the cakes more quickly?
    Sam is counting the cakes in fives and Jacob is counting them in tens. Who will count the cakes more quickly?
    • Sam
    • Jacob  ✓
  • 25 people arrive at Jacob’s party. He wonders if he has enough drinks. Skip count the groups to see which set of drinks would be enough for all his guests.