Starter quiz

  • Which of these is the correct order for the days of the week?
    • Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
    • Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.  ✓
  • What is the next day? Saturday, Sunday, ___________
    • Monday  ✓
    • Tuesday
  • Which word means 'the day before today'?
    • Yesterday  ✓
    • Tomorrow
  • If today is Saturday, yesterday was ___________.
    • Friday  ✓
    • Sunday
  • If today is Tuesday, tomorrow is ___________.
    • Monday
    • Wednesday  ✓
  • In which month do some people celebrate Christmas?
    • July
    • December  ✓


  • Q6: RTimages / Shutterstock
