Starter quiz

  • Which of these are weekend days?
    • Saturday  ✓
    • Monday
    • Sunday  ✓
  • Match the sentence to the correct number.
    • There are ___ days in a week.
      7 ✓
    • There are ___ full weeks in a month.
      4 ✓
    • There are ___ months in a year.
      12 ✓
  • What is the missing day? Saturday, ___, Monday
    • Friday
    • Sunday  ✓
  • What is the missing month? June, ___, August
    • July  ✓
    • May
  • True or false: A week is longer than a month.
    • True
    • False.  ✓
  • The new year starts in January. Does November come before or after March?
    • before
    • after  ✓