Starter quiz

  • How many robots are there in this picture?
    How many robots are there in this picture?
    • '15' ✓
  • If we count on 4 places, what number do we finish on?
    If we count on 4 places, what number do we finish on?
    • 13  ✓
    • 12
    • 11
    • 14
  • Match the numbers with their spellings.
    • 10
      ten ✓
    • 11
      eleven ✓
    • 12
      twelve ✓
    • 13
      thirteen ✓
    • 14
      fourteen ✓
  • Which number is missing from the middle bead string?
    Which number is missing from the middle bead string?
    • '7' ✓
  • From left to right, (A to B) are we counting backwards, or counting forward?
    From left to right, (A to B) are we counting backwards, or counting forward?
    • backwards  ✓
    • forward
  • Which of these is a correct comparative sentence for the numbers 7 and 8?
    • 7 is one greater than 8
    • 8 is one fewer than 7
    • 8 is one more than 7  ✓
    • 7 is one more than 8