Starter quiz

  • Which of the following comparative sentences is true for these blocks?
    Which of the following comparative sentences is true for these blocks?
    • B has the same number of blocks as A
    • B has fewer blocks than A  ✓
    • C has more blocks than A and B  ✓
    • A has more blocks than C
  • Which of the following comparative sentences is true for these blocks?
    Which of the following comparative sentences is true for these blocks?
    • A and C have the same number of blocks
    • A has 1 more block than C  ✓
    • B has one fewer block than C  ✓
    • B has more blocks than C
  • Which comparative sentence is true for this number track?
    Which comparative sentence is true for this number track?
    • A is more than B
    • B is equal to A
    • A is not equal to B  ✓
  • Which comparative sentence is true for this number track?
    Which comparative sentence is true for this number track?
    • A is less than B  ✓
    • B is less than A
    • A and B are equal
  • What are the numbers represented here?
    What are the numbers represented here?
    • 12 and 13
    • 13 and 14
    • 14 and 15  ✓
    • 15 and 16
  • What is the missing number here?
    What is the missing number here?
    • 9
    • 10  ✓
    • 11
    • 12