Starter quiz

  • How many spotty hats are there? Which number matches the number of hats?
    How many spotty hats are there? Which number matches the number of hats?
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5  ✓
    • 6
  • Which dice shows the same number as the number of bricks in the picture?
    Which dice shows the same number as the number of bricks in the picture?
  • Are the dice in the right order when we count to 6?
    Are the dice in the right order when we count to 6?
    • True
    • False ✓
  • Here are some children. Which picture has the same number of hats as the number of children?
    Here are some children. Which picture has the same number of hats as the number of children?
  • True or false: there are more hats than children.
    True or false: there are more hats than children.
    • True ✓
    • False
  • Which group shows more objects than the hats but fewer objects than the presents?
    Which group shows more objects than the hats but fewer objects than the presents?
    • the bricks  ✓
    • the balloons
    • the presents