Starter quiz

  • Which one of these is showing a bar model?
  • What is the missing part?
    What is the missing part?
    • 1  ✓
    • 2
    • 3
  • Which bar model is showing Sofia’s counters correctly partitioned?
    Which bar model is showing Sofia’s counters correctly partitioned?
  • Jun has 3 cubes and Sofia has 1 cube. Which bar model is showing their cubes combined?
    Jun has 3 cubes and Sofia has 1 cube. Which bar model is showing their cubes combined?
  • Jun has 2 counters and Sofia has 1 counter. Which bar model is showing their counters combined?
    Jun has 2 counters and Sofia has 1 counter. Which bar model is showing their counters combined?
  • Jun is working systematically to find all the ways to partition 3 counters. What does systematically mean?
    Jun is working systematically to find all the ways to partition 3 counters. What does systematically mean?
    • Finding an order to partition the 3 counters.  ✓
    • Partitioning the counters in any order.