Starter quiz

  • How many apples can you see?
    How many apples can you see?
    • 3
    • 4
    • 5  ✓
  • How many lemons can you see?
    How many lemons can you see?
    • 3
    • 4  ✓
    • 5
  • How many apples are there in total?
    How many apples are there in total?
    • 1
    • 4  ✓
    • 5
  • How many pieces of fruit are there in total?
    How many pieces of fruit are there in total?
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 5  ✓
  • Which part-whole model is showing Izzy’s counters correctly partitioned?
    Which part-whole model is showing Izzy’s counters correctly partitioned?
  • Which part-whole model is showing Jacob’s counters correctly partitioned?
    Which part-whole model is showing Jacob’s counters correctly partitioned?