Starter quiz

  • Which bar model has a subtrahend of 4?
  • Which bar model represents this story? I have 6 pennies in my two pockets. 3 pennies are in one pocket. How many are in the other pocket?
  • Which equation could represent the bar model?
    Which equation could represent the bar model?
    • 6 - 1 = 7
    • 7 - 6 = 1  ✓
    • 7 - 1 = 6  ✓
  • Find the missing number in the bar model.
    Find the missing number in the bar model.
    • '7' ✓
  • Which subtraction equation could this bar model could represent?
    Which subtraction equation could this bar model could represent?
    • 5 - 3 = 8
    • 8 - 5 = 3  ✓
    • 8 - 3 = 5  ✓
    • 3 - 8 = 5
  • Which equations could not be represented by this bar model?
    Which equations could not be represented by this bar model?
    • 10 - ? = 7
    • 7 - ? = 10  ✓
    • 10 - 7 = ?