Starter quiz

  • Why did Ngo Dinh Diem refuse to allow elections in 1956 that would have unified the country?
    • he didn't have enough time to organise the election process
    • he suspected the North of cheating
    • the North and South could not agree on how to organise the elections
    • he feared he would lose  ✓
  • How did the Buddhist monk, Thich Quang Duc, protest against Diem's regime on 11th June 1963?
    • he led an angry mob to the Presidential Palace
    • he led an armed rebellion against the South Vietnamese Army
    • he went on hunger strike
    • he set himself on fire  ✓
  • Which neighbouring countries to Vietnam did the Ho Chi Minh Trail pass through? Choose two options.
    • Cambodia  ✓
    • China
    • Laos  ✓
    • Myanmar (Burma)
    • Thailand
  • Complete the following sentence: John F. ______ became president of the United States in 1961.
    • 'Kennedy' ✓
  • Match the keywords to their correct definition.
    • napalm
      fire bombs ✓
    • Agent Orange
      defoliant used to destroy the jungle canopy ✓
    • Vietcong
      communist guerrilla force ✓
  • Sort the following events into the order in which they occurred.
    • 1
      formation of the Vietcong
    • 2
      self-immolation of Thich Quang Duc
    • 3
      assassination of Ngo Dinh Diem
    • 4
      assassination of President Kennedy