Starter quiz

  • Match the words with their definitions.
    • strategy
      a plan for directing overall military operations and movements. ✓
    • tactics
      actions employed by armed forces during contact with the enemy. ✓
    • occupier
      a member of a group that takes possession of a country by force. ✓
  • The use of napalm and Agent Orange to remove the jungle vegetation and crops used by the Vietcong are both examples of which operation?
    • Operation Rolling Thunder
    • Operation Linebacker
    • Operation Ranch Hand  ✓
  • How were the US troops portrayed in communist propaganda?
    • as unwelcome occupiers  ✓
    • as useful advisors
    • as welcome allies
  • Which of the following statements explain why the US strategy and tactics failed?
    • Operation Rolling Thunder did relatively little damage to the North’s military  ✓
    • Chemical agents caused terrible injuries to civilians and destroyed crops  ✓
    • Communist propaganda emphasised Americans as occupiers to increase their support  ✓
    • US bombing in South Vietnam killed an estimated two million civilians  ✓
    • The US tried to win over the ‘hearts and minds’ of the South Vietnamese people
  • 500 unarmed villagers were murdered by US soldiers at the...
    • 'My Lai Massacre' ✓
  • The deliberate wounding or killing of commanding officers is known as...
    • 'fragging' ✓