Starter quiz

  • Which organisation fought racial injustice in the courts?
    • 'NAACP' ✓
  • Which organisation used non-violent direct action such as sit-ins to protest in the 1950s?
    • 'CORE' ✓
  • The ______ is an organisation that continued to protest against desegregation in the 1950s.
    • 'KKK' ✓
  • Which of the following statements correctly describe the impact of the events at Little Rock in 1957? Select all statements that are true.
    • It set a precedent for challenging segregation at a federal level.  ✓
    • All four high schools in Little Rock closed for a year rather than desegregate.  ✓
    • All the high schools in Little Rock immediately desegregated.
    • Many families moved away from desegregated school areas.  ✓
  • A ______ is when you refuse to use a service as a form of protest.
    • 'boycott' ✓
  • In which year was Brown v Topeka?
    • 1954  ✓
    • 1957
    • 1909
    • 1942