Starter quiz

  • Roughly how much did the US spend on the Vietnam War in total?
    • $500 million
    • $32 billion
    • $73 billion
    • $167 billion  ✓
  • What happened in My Lai in March 1968?
    • the assassination of a high-ranking US general
    • the first use of napalm
    • a massacre of unarmed civilians  ✓
    • a collision between two US fighter jets
  • Complete the sentence: the Students for a ______ Society was an anti-war group that had roughly 30 000 members across 300 colleges.
    • 'Democractic' ✓
  • Match the form of protest to the definition.
    • sit-in
      demonstrators occupy a place by refusing to move ✓
    • teach-in
      an extended meeting usually held on a college campus ✓
    • march
      a group of people walking from an assembly point to a specific place ✓
  • What was the term used for someone who refused the draft?
    • 'Draft dodger' ✓
  • Place these events in chronological order.
    • 1
      initial small-scale protests against US involvement in Vietnam
    • 2
      chemical weapons such as Agent Orange and napalm authorised to be used
    • 3
      My Lai Massacre
    • 4
      500 000 people attend the Vietnam War Moratorium march in Washington D.C.