Starter quiz

  • The process of supplying yourself or others with new weapons to rebuild military strength is called ______.
    • 'rearmament' ✓
  • Which acts were passed by Congress in August 1935 and May 1937?
    • Lend Lease
    • Cash and Carry
    • Neutrality  ✓
  • What happened to the output of US industry during World War Two?
    • It rose significantly.  ✓
    • It stayed the same.
    • It decreased.
  • What happened to the rate of unemployment in the USA during WW2?
    • It increased.
    • It decreased.  ✓
    • It stayed the same.
  • Which US president broadcasted a fireside chat in which he referred to the USA as the “great arsenal of democracy”?
    • Hoover
    • Roosevelt  ✓
    • Truman
  • When did the USA officially enter WW2?
    • December 1941  ✓
    • March 1941
    • November 1939