Starter quiz

  • Which of the following countries was formed in 1871?
    • Austria
    • Britain
    • Germany  ✓
    • Russia
  • Match each key word to the correct definition.
    • alliance
      relationship between two (or more) countries ✓
    • nationalism
      the support for the political independence of a country ✓
    • assassination
      to murder an important person for a political reason ✓
    • ultimatum
      a final demand which could result in retaliation ✓
  • Which three of the following nations were part of the Triple Alliance?
    • Austria-Hungary  ✓
    • Britain
    • France
    • Germany  ✓
    • Italy  ✓
  • Which three of the following nations were part of the Triple Entente?
    • Austria-Hungary
    • Britain  ✓
    • France  ✓
    • Germany
    • Russia  ✓
  • Which one of the following statements best explains how large wars break out?
    • One country declares war on several countries.
    • War breaks out between two countries, and other countries defend their allies.  ✓
    • Several countries agree to declare war on another large group of countries.
  • Which three of the following were a cause of tension across Europe from 1871-1914?
    • formation of the Triple Alliance  ✓
    • Prussia was a large German state
    • formation of the Triple Entente  ✓
    • Germany expanded their military  ✓
    • German states were mostly agricultural in 1870