Starter quiz

  • When did all women get the right to vote, on an equal basis to men?
    • 1914
    • 1918
    • 1921
    • 1928  ✓
  • Match each key word to the correct definition
    • empire
      a group of countries ruled by one person or group of people ✓
    • colony
      a country or area under the control of another country ✓
    • Home Rule
      when a country is given some independence ✓
  • Starting with the earliest, sort the following events into the order in which they happened.
    • 1
      Ireland becomes part of the United Kingdom
    • 2
      the British government agree to grant Ireland Home Rule
    • 3
      the First World War breaks out
    • 4
      millions of women join the workforce to support the war effort
    • 5
      the First World War ends
    • 6
      women over 30, with a certain amount of property, are given the right to vote
    • 7
      Ireland is partitioned in to Northern Ireland and the Irish Free State
  • Which British colony provided 1.5 million troops to support Britain in the First World War?
    • 'British India' ✓
  • Which European country was the first to have their colonies attacked when war broke out?
    • Britain
    • France
    • Germany  ✓
    • Russia
  • Which two of the following statements best explains why the First World War impacted civilians?
    • All civilians were called to fight in the First World War
    • Some battles took place in towns and villages where people lived  ✓
    • Many people were expected to support the war effort from home, or through work  ✓
    • All battles took place in towns and villages where people lived
    • Civilians were not impacted by the First World War