Starter quiz

  • Where in the world would you find the Kingdom of Mali?
    • Eastern Europe
    • West Africa  ✓
    • South East Africa
    • South America
    • East Asia
  • When European explorers and merchants arrived in West Africa in the 1400s, what did they plan to do?
    • 'trade' ✓
  • Which of the following kingdoms were located in West Africa?
    • Morocco
    • Songhay  ✓
    • Benin  ✓
    • Aksum
  • Which religion was spreading from the Middle East to West Africa in the 13th and 14th centuries?
    • Christianity
    • Islam  ✓
    • Hinduism
    • Buddhism
  • Which of the following explains what makes a kingdom stronger?
    • Trading expensive goods for less valuable goods
    • Keeping control of valuable areas, like gold mines  ✓
    • Sharing control of valuable areas, like gold mines
    • Building and maintaining trade routes across several continents  ✓
    • Resisting trade with other kingdoms and groups of merchants
  • Put these events in chronological order, starting with the earliest.
    • 1
      West African communities come together to form small states.
    • 2
      Some small states come together to form kingdoms in West Africa.
    • 3
      Kingdoms grow richer from controlling gold mines and trade in the area.
    • 4
      Europeans hear of rich West African kingdoms.
    • 5
      European merchants arrive in West Africa to trade.