Starter quiz

  • The Transatlantic Slave Trade was a three point trade between Europe, the Americas and ...
    • 'West Africa' ✓
  • By 1600, which European nation had captured and sold over 150,000 African people into slavery in their American colonies?
    • Portugal  ✓
    • Spain
    • Britain
    • France
  • Elmina Castle was built in 1482 and was used to hold goods to trade and then later enslaved people; where was it built?
    • Gold Coast, Brazil
    • Gold Coast, West Africa  ✓
    • Gold Coast, Portugal
  • Which kingdom's rulers, known as Obas, refused to sell their people into slavery, despite continuing trade with Europeans?
    • Benin  ✓
    • Songhay
    • Mali
    • Kongo
  • By the late 1600s, which group of local people in West Africa were no longer protected from being enslaved?
    • prisoners of war
    • wealthier people  ✓
    • the Obas
  • Which of the following kingdoms is an example of a kingdom that suffered because of their alliance with European merchants?
    • Mali
    • Kongo  ✓
    • Wolof
    • Benin