Starter quiz

  • Which statement is most accurate?
    • Only people from Western Europe fought in WWI
    • Only people from European countries and their empires fought in WWI
    • Only people from outside Europe fought in WWI
    • People from all over the world fought in WWI  ✓
  • Write the missing word. In a feudal society, ______ make up the majority of the population but have very little power.
    • 'peasants' ✓
  • In which country did the Industrial Revolution begin?
    • Britain  ✓
    • France
    • Germany
    • Russia
  • Match-up the keywords with their correct definitions.
    • aristocracy
      upper classes ✓
    • bourgeoisie
      middle classes ✓
    • proletariat
      working classes ✓
  • Write the missing word. According to Marx, in a ______ society, most of the work was done by the proletariat but the bourgeoisie held most of the power and wealth.
    • 'capitalist' ✓
  • Starting with the earliest, sort the following stages into order according to theories of Karl Marx.
    • 1
      bourgeoisie take power from the aristocracy
    • 2
      bourgeoisie exploit workers
    • 3
      proletarian revolution
    • 4
      socialist state created
    • 5
      communism achieved