Starter quiz

  • Match these people with the correct descriptions.
    • William of Normandy
      Norman conqueror, crowned king of England in December 1066 ✓
    • William of Poitiers
      Norman chronicler, who wrote about William's conquest ✓
    • Bishop Odo
      Norman bishop, half-brother of William ✓
    • Matilda of Flanders
      William's wife, she governed Normandy when William was away ✓
  • Match these words connected to religion with the correct definitions.
    • church
      place of worship for Christians ✓
    • priest
      works with the community and performs rituals in church ✓
    • cathedral
      the most important church in its area (called a diocese) ✓
    • bishop
      religious leader in charge of a diocese ✓
    • diocese
      an area under the control of a bishop ✓
    • Pope
      the bishop of Rome and leader of the Catholic Church ✓
  • Normandy was a duchy in the north of which modern-day European country?
    • 'France' ✓
  • Which one of these is not a way in which the Gesta Guillelmi seeks to justify or strengthen William’s claim to the throne?
    • It states that Edward promised William the throne.
    • It states that Harold promised to support William’s claim.
    • It states that Harold was a treacherous liar who broke his promises.
    • It states that William often had to fight wars against other Norman lords.  ✓
  • Which of the following best explains why historians think carefully about the claims reported in the Gesta Guillelmi?
    • It was written by someone who knew William of Normandy very well
    • William of Poitiers was a priest, not a trained historian.
    • It was written to set out reasons why William’s claim was the strongest.  ✓
    • It was written soon after the events of the succession crisis.
  • Monks in Norman England followed strict rules. Which one of these were Norman monks not allowed to do?
    • Get married  ✓
    • Study religious texts
    • Worship together with other monks
    • Do jobs to support their monastery