Starter quiz

  • Match the words with the correct definitions.
    • fyrd
      local, untrained Anglo-Saxons who were called up to fight ✓
    • shield wall
      the defensive line of shields used by Anglo-Saxon armies ✓
    • infantry
      foot soldiers ✓
    • cavalry
      soldiers on horseback ✓
  • Which of these people were king of England at some point during 1066?
    • Harold Godwinson  ✓
    • Edward the Confessor  ✓
    • William of Normandy  ✓
    • William of Poitiers
  • In 1070 William the Conqueror appointed a new Archbishop of Canterbury. What was the Archbishop’s name?
    • 'Lanfranc' ✓
  • Which of these were things that Lanfranc carried out in his reform of the English Church?
    • Replaced almost all the Anglo-Saxon abbots with Normans.  ✓
    • Replaced almost all the bishops appointed by Edward the Confessor with Normans.  ✓
    • Ordered all Church services to be in English so everyone could understand them.
    • Introduced new rules for how priests, bishops and monks should live their lives.  ✓
  • Which of these ways of increasing Norman control over England were connected to Lanfranc's Church reforms?
    • Imposing loyalty through paying homage.
    • Stopping rule-breaking, e.g. breaking rule of celibacy.  ✓
    • A large programme of rebuilding in the Norman Romanesque style.  ✓
    • Property was passed to the eldest son (primogeniture).
    • Carrying out a survey of all landholding in King Edward's time and in the 1080s.
  • Look at this scene from the Bayeux Tapestry. It shows soldiers attacking a structure which other soldiers are defending. Which of these structures does the scene show?
    Look at this scene from the Bayeux Tapestry. It shows soldiers attacking a structure which other soldiers are defending. Which of these structures does the scene show?
    • cathedral
    • priory
    • castle  ✓
    • house