Starter quiz

  • Which one of the following is the best explanation for why William ordered castles to be built in England after 1066?
    • So English people would have somewhere safe to shelter from Viking attacks.
    • To help William stop rebellions against Norman rule.  ✓
    • To convince English people that God had chosen William as their king.
    • To force English people to leave a region where there had been a rebellion.
  • Match these features of motte-and-bailey castles with their correct definitions.
    • moat
      a ditch, sometimes filled with water, surrounding the castle ✓
    • bailey
      the castle courtyard; an open area inside the outer defences ✓
    • watchtower
      a tall structure within a castle used for keeping a lookout ✓
    • motte
      a mound of earth  ✓
  • Put these events in order, starting with the earliest.
    • 1
      After his invasion fleet landed, William built a temporary castle at Pevensey.
    • 2
      A castle began to be constructed in London just before William's coronation.
    • 3
      In 1067, over 100 houses were destroyed to make room for Norwich castle.
    • 4
      A motte-and-bailey castle was built in York following a major rebellion.
    • 5
      In 1072 William ordered that a castle be built in Durham.
  • Which one of these is not a way in which the Gesta Guillelmi seeks to justify or strengthen William’s claim to the throne?
    • It states that Edward promised William the throne.
    • It states that Harold promised to support William’s claim.
    • It states that Harold was a treacherous liar who broke his promises.
    • It states that William often had to fight wars against other Norman lords.  ✓
  • Match the words with the correct definitions.
    • tenant
      someone who lives in accommodation owned by their landlord ✓
    • landholder
      someone who has a legal right to land ✓
    • property
      something that somebody owns and can sell, e.g. a house ✓
    • feudalism
      a system where land was granted in return for services ✓
    • tenure
      a legal right to own or use land for a set period of time ✓
  • Which two of the following statements would be useful in explaining the meaning of the word 'tenure'?
    • It's to do with counting in tens.
    • It's connected to land.  ✓
    • It's a legal term, about property.  ✓
    • It is related to food.