Starter quiz

  • Write the missing word. Significant changes which take place over a relatively short period of time are usually described as __________ by historians.
    • 'revolutions' ✓
  • What happened to the monarchy in France during the French Revolution?
    • powers of the monarch increased
    • powers of the monarch decreased
    • the monarchy was abolished  ✓
  • Which of the following statements about death rates during the Industrial Revolution are accurate?
    • death rates were higher in urban areas than rural areas  ✓
    • death rates were similar across all areas of Britain
    • death rates fell in all areas of Britain, but at different rates
    • death rates rates rose in most new industrial cities  ✓
    • death rates were often highest in middle class areas of cities
  • Which statement is most accurate?
    • Few cotton mills employed children as workers before 1833
    • Many cotton mills employed children as workers before 1833  ✓
    • A decreasing number of cotton mills employed children as workers before 1833
  • Starting with the earliest, sort the following events from the Industrial Revolution into chronological order.
    • 1
      steam engine developed
    • 2
      more mills begin exploiting steam power
    • 3
      demand for coal increases in cities
    • 4
      new canals built linking industrial areas
  • Which quote from J C Symons' report on conditions in Glasgow's Wynds best demonstrates that overcrowding was a problem?
    • "This area is made up of a maze of lanes"
    • "I was little prepared for the filth and poverty within the homes"
    • "Sometimes there were 15 or 20 people living in a single room"  ✓
    • "There was generally no furniture in these places"