Starter quiz

  • Write the missing word. The rapid improvements in the productivity of English farming in the 17th and 18th centuries are described as part of the Agricultural...
    • 'Revolution' ✓
  • Study the image. What type of agricultural improvement does it relate to?
    • crop rotation
    • drainage
    • enclosure
    • use of fertilisers  ✓
  • Which type of agricultural improvement was Charles Townshend (also known as Turnip Townshend) associated with?
    • crop rotation  ✓
    • drainage
    • enclosure
    • use of fertilisers
  • Write the missing word. In 1700, roughly 20% of English arable land was left...
    • 'fallow' ✓
  • Which of the following consequences was most likely to occur after the drainage of the Fens?
    • decrease in the amount of arable land
    • increase in the proportion of land left fallow
    • increase in migration away from the Fens  ✓
    • decrease in profits of major landowners in the Fens
  • Which outcome was more likely as a result of the Agricultural Revolution?
    • investments in other, non-agricultural, types of businesses rose  ✓
    • the population of Britain shrunk as a result of migration
    • common food items like bread became more expensive


  • Q2: "Elizabethan Street Scene, from 'A Book of Roxburghe Ballads'(woodcut) (b/w photo)", c.1660, A Book of Roxburghe Ballads, Bridgeman Images
