Starter quiz

  • Match up the key words to the correct defintions.
    • elite
      the richest or most powerful group in a society ✓
    • freemen
      people with special rights in a city ✓
    • mayor
      person elected to lead a city ✓
  • Who provided 10 000 loaves of bread each year to charity in medieval Norwich?
    • king
    • mayor
    • freemen
    • churchmen  ✓
  • Which group was the poorest in feudal England?
    • barons
    • king
    • knights
    • peasants  ✓
  • Which group was the largest in feudal England?
    • barons
    • king
    • knights
    • peasants  ✓
  • Who wrote the book 'Revelations of Divine Love' in medieval Norwich?
    • Jack of Norwich
    • Jim of Norwich
    • Julian of Norwich  ✓
  • Which statement is true?
    • women could not become freemen in medieval Norwich
    • women could become freemen in medieval Norwich  ✓
    • women could become freemen and mayor in medieval Norwich
    • women could work in all jobs which men could in medieval Norwich