Starter quiz

  • Write the missing word. Most people in medieval England believed they had to be good ______ to get to heaven.
    • 'Christians' ✓
  • How much land did the Church own in medieval England?
    • None
    • 10%
    • 30%  ✓
    • 60%
  • Write the missing word. A ______ is a person with special rights in a city.
    • 'freeman' ✓
  • Who was responsible for choosing the mayor in Norwich after 1404?
    • churchmen
    • everyone
    • freemen  ✓
    • king
    • merchants
  • Starting with the earliest, sort the events into chronological order.
    • 1
      Norwich's wool trade grows significantly.
    • 2
      Norwich recieves a new city charter.
    • 3
      Norwich Guildhall is built.
  • What did elites in Norwich hope to achieve by building their new Guildhall?
    • provide a new place for worship
    • increase trade in the city
    • show off the high status of Norwich  ✓