Starter quiz

  • What was the name of the settlement England founded in the Americas in 1585?
    • 'Roanoke' ✓
  • What was produced in Jamestown which allowed English settlers to gain lots of wealth?
    • corn
    • gold
    • sugar
    • tobacco  ✓
  • Match the key words with their correct definitions.
    • colonisation
      the process of taking control over another country ✓
    • conquest
      taking an area of land by force ✓
    • convert
      to change someone's beliefs ✓
  • Write the missing word. After three wars with English settlers, the Powhatans were forced to live on ...
    • 'reservations' ✓
  • Identify the example which best demonstrates European and Native American co-operation.
    • English settlers and the Powhatans fought one another three times.
    • Spain conquered the Aztec Empire with support from indigenous allies.  ✓
    • Pocahontas was kidnapped by the English and converted to Christianity.
  • Why was the colonisation so devastating to the Native Americans?
    • Conflict with Europeans was the main killer of Native Americans after 1492.
    • Mistreatment of Native Americans by Europeans led to many indigenous deaths.  ✓
    • Native Americans lacked the skills and technology to defeat Europeans.
    • The spread of diseases weakened native American resistance.  ✓