Starter quiz

  • Match the key words with the correct definitions.
    • Native Americans
      original inhabitants of North and South America ✓
    • indigenous
      the original inhabitants of a specific area ✓
    • settlement
      the process of establishing new communities in an area ✓
  • What alternative name was given to Roanoke?
    • First Colony
    • Last Colony
    • Lost Colony  ✓
  • Potosi mine helped increase Spain's wealth because of its huge amounts of __________
    • 'silver' ✓
  • Roanoke was England's first permanent __________ in the Americas.
    • 'colony' ✓
  • Identify an example of indigenous resistance to European spiritual conquest.
    • Indigenous people blended their own religious beliefs with Christianity  ✓
    • Spanish colonisers destroyed indigenous temples and traditional statues
    • Indigeous nations completely accepted all parts of Christianity
  • Sort the events into chronological order.
    • 1
      Greenland Vikings arrived in the Americas
    • 2
      Christopher Columbus sailed to the Americas
    • 3
      Spanish forces conquered the Aztec Empire
    • 4
      England attempted to found a colony at Roanoke