Starter quiz

  • Which of these continents are not physically connected to Europe?
    • Asia
    • North America  ✓
    • South America  ✓
  • What physical barrier separates Europe from the Americas?
    • The Alps mountain range
    • The Atlantic Ocean  ✓
    • The Antarctic Ocean
    • The Andes mountain range
  • True or false? In the fifteenth century, most Europeans believed the world was flat.
    • True
    • False ✓
  • Order these events chronologically from least to most recent.
    • 1
      Romans conquer Britain
    • 2
      Normans conquer England
    • 3
      Black Death spreads from Asia to Europe
    • 4
      Columbus travels to America
    • 5
      Britain's Empire reaches its maximum size
  • What is 'a group of countries all ruled over by one person or country' called?
    • 'empire' ✓
  • If Europeans wanted to spread Christianity to more people, what type of motive does this suggest they had for sailing abroad?
    • conquest
    • religion  ✓
    • trade