Starter quiz

  • What is meant by the term 'golden age'?
    • a time when lots of gold statues were made
    • a time when gold was very common
    • a time of peace, prosperity and plenty  ✓
    • a time when there were more old people than young people
    • a time when the country achieved many of its goals
  • What building material did Elizabethans use to show off their wealth in 'prodigy houses'?
    • wood
    • clay
    • pearls
    • glass  ✓
  • Which decade saw a period of particularly bad harvests which led to famine in England?
    • 1550s
    • 1570s
    • 1590s  ✓
    • 1610s
  • Parliament was furious with Elizabeth in 1601 about her use of which one of the following:
    • bad harvests
    • monopolies  ✓
    • privateers
    • royal progresses
  • Before Elizabeth's reign, what religious establishments had helped to provide food for the poor?
    • colonies
    • monasteries  ✓
    • prodigy houses
    • theatres
  • Who led the two factions in Elizabeth's court at the end of her reign? Choose two answers.
    • Robert Devereux  ✓
    • Robert Dudley
    • Robert Cecil  ✓
    • William Cecil
    • William Parry