Starter quiz

  • Why did the Welsh revolt against English rule in 1282?
    • enforcement of English law on the Welsh people  ✓
    • English officials acted in a heavy-handed way  ✓
    • many Welsh people were arrested without reason  ✓
    • religious differences between Wales and England
    • enforcement of English language on the Welsh people
  • What happened to Llywelyn ap Gruffudd after his Welsh revolt was defeated?
    • he was exiled and forced to live in France
    • he surrendered and was imprisoned in the Tower of London
    • his head was chopped off and placed on a spike at the Tower of London  ✓
  • Fill in the blank with the correct missing word: The different Welsh kingdoms shared a common ______ and customs which were distinct from England's.
    • 'language' ✓
  • In January 1283, Dafydd was charged with treason and became one of the first people to be executed by a horrific new method: later known as being hanged, drawn and ...
    • 'quartered' ✓
  • Edward I built castles to enforce the English conquest of Wales. What was Edward I's strategy to maintain control over Wales after the revolt?
    • building castles  ✓
    • granting independence to Welsh kingdoms
    • offering peace treaties
    • promoting Welsh culture
  • What was the reaction of Welsh families to the extension of English common law across Wales?
    • all families rejected it as a sign of conquest
    • all families welcomed it for economic benefits
    • some welcomed it for better justice, others saw it as conquest  ✓