Starter quiz

  • Write the missing word. A ______ is an Islamic state, especially one ruled by a single religious and political leader.
    • 'caliphate' ✓
  • Which of the following groups ruled over a caliphate in the 11th century?
    • Abbasids  ✓
    • Byzantines
    • Greeks
    • Romans
  • Which statement is most accurate about Cordoba's participation in the slave trade?
    • Cordoba traded and owned enslaved people.  ✓
    • Cordoba traded enslaved people but did not own them.
    • Cordoba owned enslaved people but did not trade them.
    • Cordoba outlawed owning and trading enslaved people.
  • Which area did not have any Muslim rulers in the 11th century?
    • Central Asia
    • Middle East
    • North Africa
    • South America  ✓
    • Western Europe
  • Which statement about the books held in Cordoba's royal library is accurate?
    • The books were only focused on Islam.
    • The books were translated into many languages.  ✓
    • There were not many books held in the library.
    • The books were rarely used by scholars.
  • Identify the accurate difference between Cordoba and Baghdad.
    • Cordoba was a Muslim city, whereas Baghdad was Christian.
    • Cordoba was not involved in a lot of trade, but Baghdad was.
    • Cordoba was influenced strongly by Mediterranean cultures, unlike Baghdad.  ✓
    • Cordoba attracted scholars from many areas, whereas few studied in Baghdad.