Starter quiz

  • Elizabeth was heir to the throne for which country?
    • France
    • England  ✓
    • Spain
  • Where did Elizabeth live when she became heir to the throne?
    • Buckingham Palace, London  ✓
    • Windsor Castle, Great Windsor Park
    • Balmoral Castle, Scotland
  • What is a soldier?
    • Someone who fights for a country  ✓
    • Someone who rules a country
    • Someone who sings for a country
  • Which of these is not a country?
    • London  ✓
    • England
    • Germany
  • Which two existed when Elizabeth was heir to the throne?
    • iPad
    • TV  ✓
    • Telegram  ✓
  • What did Elizabeth start to learn when she became heir to the throne?
    • law  ✓
    • dancing
    • horse riding
    • religion  ✓