Starter quiz

  • Which continent is the UK in?
    • Africa
    • Asia
    • Europe  ✓
    • North America
  • The UK is in the ______ hemisphere.
    • 'northern' ✓
  • What is the name of the imaginary line that divides the Earth into the northern and southern hemispheres?
    • Arctic Circle
    • Equator  ✓
    • Tropic of Cancer
    • Tropic of Capricorn
  • Which of these is not a continent?
    • Africa
    • Antarctica
    • Arctic  ✓
    • Asia
  • Match the countries to their continents.
    • Canada
      North America ✓
    • Italy
      Europe ✓
    • Cambodia
      Asia ✓
    • Peru
      South America ✓
  • How many continents are there?
    • four
    • five
    • six
    • seven  ✓