Starter quiz

  • Why do geographers plan fieldwork?
    • to take a break from their regular work and enjoy the natural environment
    • to gather first hand data and observations about the local area  ✓
    • so they don't have to do research
  • What is the first step a geographer takes when doing fieldwork?
    • they come up with their enquiry question  ✓
    • they start collecting data
    • they start analysing the data
  • What do geographers aim to do at the end of their fieldwork research?
    • Answer their enquiry question  ✓
    • Publish a book
    • Take a holiday
  • Match the key words to their definitions.
    • interview
      means talking to people to gather information. ✓
    • enquiry
      is an investigation of a geographical question or issue. ✓
    • techniques
      are particular way of doing things ✓
  • A questionnaire is a set of __________ used to collect information or data.
    • maps
    • data
    • questions  ✓
  • Why is it important for geographers to present their data?
    • It helps them create beautiful graphs and tables
    • It helps them to make their work look more professional.
    • it helps to identify patterns, draw conclusions and answer enquiry questiions  ✓