Starter quiz

  • Where are cocoa beans found on the plant?
    • pods  ✓
    • flowers
    • roots
    • leaves
  • Cocoa beans are grown at low latitudes in ______ climates
    • 'tropical' ✓
  • Fairtrade helps cocoa farmers by...
    • paying them a fairer wage  ✓
    • improving the working conditions  ✓
    • giving them chocolate
  • What do these stages of chocolate production involve?
    • harvesting
      the cocoa pods are cut down ✓
    • drying
      the beans are dried in the sun ✓
    • winnowing
      the nibs and shells are separated ✓
    • grinding
      the nibs are ground to make a paste ✓
    • moulding
      the chocolate is shaped ✓
  • Match the key term with its correct definition.
    • supply Chain
      every step a product goes through to be made  ✓
    • retailer
      people or businesses that sell goods ✓
    • manufacturer
      person or company that makes goods to sell ✓
  • Decide whether these statements are consequences or solutions for farmers in the cocoa supply chain.
    • join a cooperative
      solution  ✓
    • not able to buy seeds to grow
      consequence ✓
    • access new training
      solution ✓
    • families go hungry
      consequence ✓