Starter quiz

  • Why are digital maps useful for a local area?
    • They are on a computer
    • You can switch between an aerial photo and map easily  ✓
    • They are colourful
  • Which of these are human features you might see in your local area?
    • parks
    • lampposts  ✓
    • bridges  ✓
    • trees
    • schools  ✓
  • Which of these settlements is a village?
    • A few houses and shop and place of worship, and a small population.
      A few houses and shop and place of worship, and a small population.  ✓
    • Many more houses and services and a bigger population.
      Many more houses and services and a bigger population.
    • Lots of buildings, businesses, roads and people!
      Lots of buildings, businesses, roads and people!
  • What is an example of a green space?
    • a park  ✓
    • a woodland area  ✓
    • a greenhouse
    • a tree
  • Which of these features would you expect to find in a village?
    • Cinema
    • Hospital
    • Shop  ✓
    • Place of worship  ✓
  • Where is a suburb in a city?
    • in the middle
    • on the edge  ✓
    • on the east side
    • between the supermarket and the hospital