Starter quiz

  • What are photographs?
    • Drawings made using a pencil
    • Pictures taken with a camera  ✓
    • Paintings made with brushes
    • Images drawn on a computer
  • Photographs are useful to geographers because ...
    • they are colourful.
    • they look nice.
    • they help us learn about a place.  ✓
  • Maps ...
    • are books with pictures.
    • are things you use to dig soil.
    • show you key things in an area.  ✓
  • Photographing places in geography is important so we can ...
    • have a memory of a holiday.
    • study important features of a place.  ✓
    • show our friends.
  • In geography, we need to explain what is in the photograph using labels and captions because ...
    • we need to share information about what it shows.  ✓
    • it's a fun activity.
    • it's a way to show off our drawing skills.
  • When taking a photograph we should ...
    • point it at our feet.
    • point it up at the sky.
    • point it towards the place, person or thing.  ✓