Starter quiz

  • Which of the following is an example of opinion-based writing?
    • writing a poem
    • writing a description
    • writing an article  ✓
    • writing a narrative
  • Match the terminology to the correct definition.
    • topic
      the concept or idea that you are writing about ✓
    • form
      the kind or style of writing you are undertaking ✓
    • audience
      the person/people who will be reading your writing ✓
    • purpose
      the reason why you are writing ✓
  • Which of the following can also be used to describe someone's 'perspective'?
    • their opinion  ✓
    • their character
    • their viewpoint  ✓
    • their memories
  • What is an extended metaphor?
    • A comparison using like or as that is repeated throughout a text.
    • A comparison of two different things.
    • A comparison that takes up a whole paragraph in a piece of work.
    • A comparison of two different things that is repeated throughout a text.  ✓
  • Which of the following types of writing require you to use subheadings?
    • letter
    • report  ✓
    • speech
    • article  ✓
    • review  ✓
  • Match the rhetorical devices to the correct definitions.
    • rhetorical question
      a question asked to make a point, rather than get an answer ✓
    • repetition
      repeating words or phrases for effect ✓
    • anecdote
      telling a personal story to illustrate an idea or argument ✓
    • direct address
      where the writer speaks directly to their reader/audience ✓
    • emotive language
      language which elicits an emotional response from the reader ✓
    • alliteration
      repetition of the same consonant at the beginning of words ✓