Starter quiz

  • What word beginning with 'C' refers to the typical elements of a text type?
    • 'conventions' ✓
  • What type of verb is included in the following sentence: "Walk carefully."?
    • 'imperative' ✓
  • Which of the following should you put in a plan before you start writing?
    • the overall argument of your work  ✓
    • your favourite ambitious words
    • the outline and structure of your writing  ✓
    • reminders of key linguistic techniques to use  ✓
    • how your writing will begin  ✓
  • What technique is being used in the following sentence? 'Teens tackle tough political topics.'
    • onomatopoeia
    • alliteration  ✓
    • simile
    • repetition
    • adverbs
  • What word beginning with 'H' refers to the title of an article, news story or leaflet?
    • 'headline' ✓
  • What are subheadings?
    • the use of alliteration in a headline to engage the reader's interest
    • short mini headlines that give extra information in an article or leaflet  ✓
    • linguistic devices designed to make your writing vivid