Starter quiz

  • What word is given to texts that are based in truth and not invented?
    • Fiction
    • Non-fiction  ✓
    • Personal narrative
    • Anecdote
  • What is being described here: 'the words, ideas, feelings or concepts we associate with a word or symbol.'?
    • connotations  ✓
    • colloquialisms
    • conclusions
    • clarifications
  • What information beginning with 'C' can give you clues about a text, before you start reading?
    • 'Contextual' ✓
  • Good analysis of connotations will link to other quotations in the text that either __________ or __________ with its effect.
    • clarify/challenge
    • corroborate/contradict
    • confirm/conclude
    • compound/contrast  ✓
  • In a first-person narrative, which pronoun is typically used to refer to the narrator?
    • She
    • I  ✓
    • They
    • He
    • You
  • Charles Dickens wrote an account of his visit to Greenwich fair in 1839. As such, it was written in the __________ era.
    • Victorian  ✓
    • Edwardian
    • Georgian
    • Elizabethan
    • Jacobean