Starter quiz

  • Match these punctuation marks to their correct definition.
    • :
      can introduce lists and provide further explanation ✓
    • ;
      can separate two closely related clauses ✓
    • -
      can introduce extra information as a parentheses when used in pairs ✓
    • !
      can indicate an exclamation of some kind ✓
  • What type of sentence is being described here? 'A sentence made up of a main clause and a subordinate clause.'
    • 'Complex sentence' ✓
  • Which punctuation mark is being described here? 'A piece of punctuation that can separate two closely related clauses.'
    • 'semicolon' ✓
  • What is being described here: 'Words or phrases used as an exclamation to show emphasis or emotion e.g. ‘Goodness me!’?
    • 'interjection' ✓
  • 'Initially' and 'Firstly' are discourse markers that would be good for...
    • beginning a point.  ✓
    • concluding a point.
    • introducing evidence.
    • introducing an example.
  • Laura wrote a persuasive speech where she began several sentences with the phrase 'We must act now,'. What device has Laura used?
    • Anaphora  ✓
    • Onomatopoeia
    • Alliteration
    • Personification