Starter quiz

  • What is being described here: 'the way someone thinks or feels about a particular thing.'?
    • perspective  ✓
    • conclusion
    • experience
    • guesswork
  • What is being described here: 'a conclusion you reach by applying logic to the evidence you are given.'?
    • 'inference' ✓
  • What is being described here 'the social, historical and cultural ideas that surround a text'?
    • 'context' ✓
  • Inferences should be based on ...
    • evidence and reason.  ✓
    • fact and certainty.
    • emotion and feeling.
    • guesswork and certainty.
  • What is being described here: 'to combine separate elements to form a whole. When summarising, we can combine elements from each text in our analysis'?
    • synthesis  ✓
    • evaluation
    • Explanation
    • analysis
  • Which of the below is the best definition of 'To evaluate'?
    • to consider or judge something carefully.  ✓
    • to look at something in detail.
    • to consider the pros and cons of something.
    • to bring together the main points.