Starter quiz

  • In 'A Christmas Carol', what relationship did Marley and Scrooge have? Choose the two most appropriate answers.
    • brothers
    • business partners  ✓
    • enemies
    • cousins
    • friends  ✓
  • Which words would you use to describe Scrooge from 'A Christmas Carol'?
    • avaricious  ✓
    • generous
    • forgiving
    • charitable
    • miserly  ✓
  • Complete the quotation from stave one of 'A Christmas Carol': "solitary as an << >> "
    • 'oyster' ✓
  • Which of these is a synonym for 'cruel or insensitive'?
    • philanthropic
    • charitable
    • callous  ✓
    • stingy
    • devoted
  • In 'A Christmas Carol', which classes of people does Scrooge represent?
    • 'upper-middle classes' ✓
  • Match the method to the quotation from 'A Christmas Carol'.
    • Zoomorphism
      "Scrooge walked out with a growl." ✓
    • Pathetic fallacy
      "The fog and frost so hung about." ✓
    • Simile
      " a bad lobster in a dark cellar..." ✓
    • Onomatopoeia
      "The cellar-door flew open with a booming sound." ✓
    • Personification
      "whose gruff old bell was always peeping slily down" ✓