Starter quiz

  • What is Scrooge's first name?
    • Edward
    • Edgar
    • Ebeneezer  ✓
    • Ethan
    • Ellis
  • The motif of cold associated with Scrooge, in stave one of 'A Christmas Carol', is used to suggest what about him?
    • that he is selfish  ✓
    • that he is deceased
    • that he is lonely
    • that he is poor
    • that he is cruel  ✓
  • How many years has Marley been dead in A Christmas Carol?
    • 'seven' ✓
  • What does Scrooge tell Bob to do, in order to have Christmas Day off, in 'A Christmas Carol'?
    • work later that evening
    • bring him a Christmas gift
    • come in early on Boxing Day  ✓
    • give him a day's wages back
  • Which of the following is a synonym for 'small' or 'inadequate'?
    • dire
    • meagre  ✓
    • immoral
    • immense
    • miser
  • Which of the following is the best explanation of the significance of the chains Marley's ghost wears?
    • The chains represent his sins
    • Each link on the chain represents a sin Marley committed in life
    • The chains are heavy, which shows the burden of Marley's guilt
    • Each link on the chain symbolises a sin Marley committed, showing his immorality  ✓
    • The chains are long so Marley committed a lot of sins