Starter quiz

  • Which of the four spirits in 'A Christmas Carol' is described as a "jolly green giant"?
    • The Ghost of Christmas Past
    • The Ghost of Christmas Present  ✓
    • The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come
    • Marley's Ghost
  • Which ghost doesn't speak to Scrooge in 'A Christmas Carol'?
    • The Ghost of Christmas Past
    • The Ghost of Christmas Present
    • The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come  ✓
    • Marley's Ghost
  • How does Scrooge respond to seeing the ghost of Jacob Marley in 'A Christmas Carol'?
    • He is pleased to see his friend again.
    • He is horrified by his friend's appearance.  ✓
    • He is heartbroken to see his friend suffering so much.
    • He is in disbelief and feels he may be hallucinating.  ✓
    • He is indifferent to the appearance of his friend.
  • Which of the ghosts in 'A Christmas Carol' transform Scrooge's adjoining room into a "grove"?
    • Marley's Ghost
    • The Ghost of Christmas Past
    • The Ghost of Christmas Present  ✓
    • The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come
  • In 'A Christmas Carol', which ghost does Scrooge hear approaching before he sees it?
    • Marley's Ghost  ✓
    • The Ghost of Christmas Past
    • The Ghost of Christmas Present
    • The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come
  • In 'A Christmas Carol', what does Scrooge see when he follows Marley's Ghost to the window and looks out?
    • lots of poor people begging for money
    • lots of wealthy people taking snuff together
    • Tiny Tim struggling to hold his crutch
    • lots of other ghosts wailing and crying  ✓
    • the Ghost of Christmas Past approaching